
Open dag Zuidas 30 oktober 2021

Hierbij informatie over de open dag Zuidas: Beste bewoners, Tijdens de OPEN DAG 2021 op 30 oktober gaan de deuren van Amsterdam Zuidas wagenwijd open voor bezoekers, omwonenden en andere geïnteresseerden. Een verrassend programma om kennis te maken met onze...

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Voting for neighbourhood plans

Stadsdeel Zuid has made funds available again for citizens to realize plans for their neighbourhood. You can vote for these plans. Some of these plans (partly) concern the Beatrixpark. Within the board different ideas exist about the desirability and feasibility of...

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Plans for the RAI

We are just as surprised as you are, about this article in the Parool: apartments on the RAI grounds and expansion of the park? It would be justice indeed: our Vereniging was founded 40 years ago to protect the park against extension of the RAI. We will keep an eye on...

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Interview AT5 about Japanese Knotweed brigade

The unique Japanese Knotweed brigade of volunteers in the Beatrixpark featured in a programma on the Amsterdam Television Network AT5.  "Isn't this a lost battle?" "Noooo! We simply have to persevere." Of course we hope the municipality will start doing more in the...

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Maintaining the statues

Every now and again the statues in the park are maintained. Not only has the fountain been repaired, the lions' teeth have been cleaned as well!

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Research experience greeness

One of our members sent us an interesting article published in Elsevier Science. It deals with the relation between the amount of greenery in somebody's surroundings and his/her psychological well-being. The east side of the Beatrixpark is given as an example....

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Improvement of Boerenwetering

Via Zuidas we received the following information about the improvement of the walking path along Boerenwetering at the RAI-side of the park: We think the improvements look good. This side...

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Japanese knotweed volunteers back at work

Maybe you have seen them at work again: volunteers removing Japanse knotweed plants. And not without good reason because the Japanese knotweed is proliferating at different spots in the park again. Last year a lot of Japanese knotweed was removed, making sure most...

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