There are a lot of statues in the Beatrixpark. The Vereniging published descriptions of all of the statues in the Newsletters; and we made a special about all these statues, in 2011. It is in Dutch, but the photos and maps may help you anyway to find them.
Should you want specific information about one of the artworks, please let us know and we will try to translate!
The digital version of this special can be viewed here: Beeldenspecial najaar 2011web
(nb this is a large pdf)
A new artwork / sculpture: Hommage to Jakoba ‘Ko’ Mulder (1900-1988)
In winter 2016/spring 2017 after much lobbying finally enough money was raised, and permission given, for a work of art to honor the lady-architect who designed the Beatrixpark: Juffrouw Mulder.
An artist-duo was chosen to make a Hommage to miss Mulder. It is expected to be finished somewhere after the summer of 2017, and will be placed near the stone circles on the “dog-meadow”.
This sculpture will be huge, modern and eye-catching.
The board of the Vereniging was consulted during the process of choosing the artists and the work, but we did not have any say in the final choice. We would like to point out that there are as many tastes as there are visitors to the park; some may find the sculpture fascinating, some too modern. It is the Stadsdeel commission of art that decided.