General info: links to other sites

Useful links on the internet

bestuursinformatiesysteem Amsterdam
official site for Municipal information

website Irenebuurt
Website of the Vereniging Beethovenstraat-Parnassusweg

Zuidelijke Wandelweg
Site with historical info about the Rivierenbuurt.

Site about Nature in Amsterdam, ie excursions.
Site of the  Projectbureau Zuidas

Wijkopbouworgaan Zuid-West
Cursussen, natuurwerkdagen etc.

Bewonersplatform Zuidas 
Combined citizen platforms in the area of Buitenverldert/Zuidas

Amsterdam Streetside
A site with photos of the neighbourhood. Beatrixpark – Amsterdam’s Cleanest Park
A short story about het park in English by Shannon McAllister. Click on Continue Gallery >.

Genootschap Leeuwen van het Centraal Station
This is a site about alle the stone Lions in Amsterdam, of which there are four in the park.

Stadsdorp Zuid:
A community of elder people living in Amsterdam Zuid to enable people to live longer in their own home. Help and neighbour-contacts.

Het geheugen van Plan Zuid
The memories of Zuid: movies from the past.

5 movies YouTube dating from 1972 when the Floriade was in the park.
A site about past and present of Amsterdam.

Parkenoverleg Parken in Amsterdam
Joined effort of all parks in Amsterdam

de Gezonde Stad (voorheen Milieucentrum) Amsterdam, environment issues

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