
Update Beethovenkavel

februari 2022: De bouw van de woontorens pal aan het park, op wat het Beethoven kavel 6 en 7 heet, gaat nu echt van start. Breevast, die hier gaat bouwen, heeft een informatieavond georganiseerd; bijgaand een verslag daarvan: Breevast - verslag infobijeenkomst Kavel 2...

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20 april: Water in the childrens pool

For the first time this year the pool at the playground will be filled with water. We regret to inform you that there is still no progress in the renovation of the play-ground itself: the Stadsdeel has problems with the finance and organisation of new...

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Help clean up the park

Last Saturday, March 23, the municipality handed out some clean-up sets (a pair of tongs and a handy device to clip on the trash bag) to us and some concerned visitors of the park. It was National Clean Your Environment Day! If you would like to have a clean-up set...

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Beethoven fase 2 development

  The  "Ontwerpbestemmingsplan Beethoven fase 2”  (the part of the park behind Akzonobel en Stibbe) has been published. The Vrienden have already been involved in previous editions of these plans. On August 14, 2017 we submitted our point of view concerning these...

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